
March 02, 2018  •  1 Comment


We all view things from a different angle. Circumstances, beliefs, abilities, and experiences all alter the way we see things. One day last fall I was looking for a sunrise shot in Big Sky, Montana. I got out of bed extra early to make the hour and a half drive to this location. I drove all over the place, carefully eyeing every tree, meadow, and rock pile. I was losing that glorious light of the golden hour after sunrise.  I was feeling a bit defeated and headed back down, disappointed that I had been unable to find a shot. I looked back over my shoulder for one last glance at Lone Mountain as I passed a roadside pullout. Days of gloomy, rainy weather had left a glimmer of hope in a mud puddle. I turned the truck around quicker than you could say "photo-op"! It didn't take me long to determine that I may have found my shot. Thing is, there were a lot of distracting objects in the background. I had to get right down in the mud to get the angle I needed. I actually set the base of my camera in the water. I had to lay flat on the wet ground to compose the shot. By changing my perspective, I was able to eliminate the distractions and focus on the beauty of the scene. Life is like that. There are storms that come and go. Some stick around longer than others. There are times when it may seem like the rain will never stop. It is times like this that you've got to get a little dirt on your hands to get new perspective on your situation. Problems don't usually fix themselves. They often require grace, humility, and good old-fashioned, down-and-dirty hard work! I bet if you're willing to do that, you might just find something beautiful in a mud puddle!


Lori Jacobs(non-registered)
Thank you for the reminder Paul. When I allow myself to remember those difficult times, I am humbled by the richness and new perspective that I was blessed with. New life, great friends an an appreciation for all that I had been given. At the risk of 'getting religious', I thank God for his being there...whether I was asking for him or not.
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